28 de abril de 2018
Triple cheese and cheese sandwich
A friend bought crust-less sandwiches for his birthday. But the person who builds them made a mistake and some of them were cheese and cheese sandwiches. (That is bread-cheese-bread-cheese-bread instead of the traditional recipe that is bread-ham-bread-cheese-bread or variants such as bread-ham-bread-tomato-bread.)
Sándwich triple de queso y queso
Un amigo
compró sanguchitos de miga para su cumpleaños. Pero la persona que lo armó se
equivocó al armar algunos de ellos y quedaron sándwiches de queso y queso. (O
sea pan-queso-pan-queso-pan en vez de la receta tradicional que es pan-jamón-pan-queso-pan
o variantes como pan-jamón-pan-tomate-pan.)
15 de abril de 2018
A Wall Lizard in my Home
During the summer a wall lizard appeared twice in the bathroom window of my house at midnight. It was about 10 cm (4in) long without counting the tail (I'm still not sure if the translation is wall lizard, lizard, gecko, or whatever). It is ususual because lizards are not common in Buenos Aires and also I live on a high floor.
It was during very hot nights (after a day of about 30°C (85°F)). I do not know if it liked that the window was cooler because of the air conditioning, or the reason was that we had a little light lit so the window attracted bugs and the lizard was there waiting to catch them.
I also saw it sometimes watering the plants, but it didn't like the water did or the water scared it so the lizard ran out before I could photograph it.
It was during very hot nights (after a day of about 30°C (85°F)). I do not know if it liked that the window was cooler because of the air conditioning, or the reason was that we had a little light lit so the window attracted bugs and the lizard was there waiting to catch them.
I also saw it sometimes watering the plants, but it didn't like the water did or the water scared it so the lizard ran out before I could photograph it.
Wall lizard in the window of my home (no banana nearby)
Una lagartija en mi casa
Durante el verano apareció dos veces una lagartija en la ventana del baño de mi casa a la medianoche. Tenía unos 10 cm (4in) sin contar la cola. Es extraño porque las lagartijas no son comunes en Buenos Aires y además vivo en un piso alto.
Eran noches de mucho calor (después de un día de unos 30°C (85°F)). No se si es que le gustaba que la ventana estuviera más fría por el aire acondicionado, o era que como teníamos un poco de luz prendida la ventana atraía bichitos y la lagartija aprovechaba para comérselos.
También la vi unas veces mientas regaba las plantas, pero el agua no le gustaba o la asustaba así que salía corriendo antes de que la pudiera fotografiar.
Eran noches de mucho calor (después de un día de unos 30°C (85°F)). No se si es que le gustaba que la ventana estuviera más fría por el aire acondicionado, o era que como teníamos un poco de luz prendida la ventana atraía bichitos y la lagartija aprovechaba para comérselos.
También la vi unas veces mientas regaba las plantas, pero el agua no le gustaba o la asustaba así que salía corriendo antes de que la pudiera fotografiar.
Lagartija en la ventan de mi casa (sin bananas disponibles)
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